185 shall not suffer any hardship in this worldly life. Salâh Al- Dhuhâ is performed from 45 minutes after sunrise. It is performed in six rakahs. SALÂH AL-TAHAJJUD The reward of Salâh Al-Tahajjud is unlimited. The duas (supplications) of those who continue to perform this Salâh are accepted and their rank will be high. This is a kind of Nafilah Salâh which was never missed by Rasûlullâh ﷺ . This Salâh is also done in six rakahs at the time of “Tahajjud” which begins twelve hours after the beginning time of Zuhr Salâh and lasts until the time of lmsaq (dawn). For instance, if the time of the Zuhr Salâh of a day begins at twelve noon, the time of Salâh Al-Tahajjud of that day starts at twelve midnight. Foradetailedexplanationof theseNawafil (superoragatory) Salâh (prayers), you may refer to our work titled “Duas and lbadahsRecommended on theHolyDays andNights”. SALÂH AL-TASBÎH Salâh Al-Tasbîh is the greatest kind of repentance and asking for forgiveness, which is done with the whole body. Rasûlullâh ﷺ once spoke to his beloved uncle, Hazrat Abbas رضــي الل عنــه , concerning Salâh Al-Tasbîh: [“O Uncle! Let me inform you of a gift of ten rewards by means of which Allah تعالــى will forgive your sins, the first and the last of them, the past and the recent, the unintentional and intentional, the major and minor, the secret and open. (He ﷺ taught him about Tasbîh Salâh and continued to