186 advice). If you are able to do so, perform this Salâh every day. If you cannot, perform it once a month. If you cannot even do that once a year; otherwise, once in your lifetime”. HOW TO PERFORM SALÂH AL-TASBÎH Salâh Al-Tasbîh consists of four rakahs, in which the following Tasbîh is recited 300 times:ُ سُبْحَانَ اللِّ وَالْحَمْدُ ِِّ وَلَ اِلٰهَ اِلّ اللُّ وَاللُّ اَكْبَر * وَلَ حَوْلَ وَلَ قُوّةَ اِلّ بِاللِّ الْعَلِىِّ الْعَظ۪يمِ Transliteration: "Subhânallâhi wa'l-hamdu lillâhi, Wa lâ-ilâha iIlallâhu w'AIIâhu Akbar, Wa lâ-hawla wa lâ-quwwata, illâ-billâhi-l aliyyi'l-athîm.” How to Recite this Tasbîh in Salâh: - 15 times after the dua of Subhânaka (Thanâ), (before Sûrah Al-Fâtihah), - 10 times after the Sûrah, - 10 times while in the Rukû’, - 10 times after Rukû’ while standing (Al-Qawmah), - 10 times in the Sajdah Al-Ûlâ, (first prostration), - 10 times in the Jalsah (short sitting between the first and second prostration), -10 times in the second Sajdah.