89 In Islâm, one cannot declare a matter permissible while it is not by Sharî’ah, just for the sake of “convenience”. However, one cannot cause difficulty about a permissible matter either, by claiming it to be impermissible. TAYAMMUM Tayammum (Dry Ablution) is striking the hands gently on soil, sand or a similar substance twice and then wiping first the face and, after the second striking, the hands up to the elbows after having made the Niyyah (intention). Tayammum is done to replace either Wudhû or Ghusl in the absence of water or in the cases where water is not usable. FARDH (OBLIGATORY) ACTS of TAYAMMUM The Fardh (obligatory) acts of Tayammum are two: 1. Niyyah (intention), 2. Striking of the palms on a soil or a similar substance twice and wiping over the specified body parts (masah). HOW TO PERFORM TAYAMMUM If you are faced with the following conditions, make Niyyah (intention) and perform Tayammum on soil or a similar substance to replace Wudhû or Ghusl: If you fail to find water, or you find the water yet your illness may worsen if you use the water, or you are unable