103 ACTS FORBIDDEN DURING MENSTRUATION AND POSTNATAL BLEEDING 1. Performing Salâh: An adult female in the states of Haydh (menstruation) or Nifâs (Postnatal bleeding) is not allowed to perform Salâh. Those Salâh (prayers) that are missed during these periods are not made up later (as Qadhâ). She is not allowed to perform Sajdah Al-Tilâwah (prostration of recitation) or Sajdah Al-Shukr (prostration of thankfulness). However, if she wishes, she can engage in reading some Tasbîhât such as “Astaghfirullâh, Subhanallâh, Al-Hamdulillâh”, within the prescribed Salâh times. 2. Fasting (Al-Sawm): A Muslim adult female in these states is not allowed to fast. However, these missed days of fast are to be made up later (as Qadhâ) 3. Reading or Reciting of the Noble Qur’ân: A Muslim adult female in these states is only allowed to read Âyât (verses) of Zikr (rememberance of Allâh), Thanâ (praising Allâh) and Dua (supplication) on condition that she reads them with the intention of Zikr, Thanâ and Dua. However, she cannot recite Âyât (verses) that reveal Ahkâm (commands) or Akhbâr (tidings) even if her intention is supplicating to Allâh, praising Allâh or remembering Allâh. 4. Touching the Noble Qur’ân (even only a single Âyah [verse]): A Muslim adult female in these states is not allowed to touch an Âyah (verse) of Qur’ân even if it is