45 BELIEF in QADAR and QADHÂ (The Divine Decree and Will) The sixth article of Îmân (faith) is to believe in Qadar (The divine decree). Firstly, it is necessary to explain the nature of the Irâdah Al-Juz’iyyah (Partial Free Will) of a human being, for without this initial explanation it is sometimes hard to understand the issues pertaining Qadar and Qadhâ. IRÂDAH AL-JUZ’IYYAH (PARTIAL FREE WILL) Irâdah Al-Juz’iyyah is the limited will of authority and wish given to a human being by Allâh تعالى . However, this limited will power is of great significance. For, if one uses their free will for good, Allâh تعالــى , creates that good action. On the other hand, if they use it for evil, Allâh تعالـى , brings that