271 Q - What is the Night of Raghâib? A - It is the blessed night when Hazrat Aminah understood that she was expecting our prophet ﷺ . Q - What is the Night of Mi’râj? A - It is the blessed night of our Nabî Muhammad’s ﷺ miraculous journey to Heaven and other worlds by the invitation of Allâh. Q - What is the Night of Barâ’ah? A - It is the sacred night when the Holy Qur’ân was revealed from Lawh Al-Mahfuz (the divine tablet) to the lower heaven, when the yearly sustenances and the life of a person are reviewed and when forgiveness and other blessings are granted to all Muslims. Q - What is the Night of Qadr? A - It is the sacred night when the revelation of the Qur’ân from the lower heaven to our prophet Muhammad ﷺ started.