269 Q - How many rakahs (units) are there in each Salâh? A – Fajr Salâh has four rakahs; two Sunnah and two Fardh. First the Sunnah is performed and then the Fardh. Zuhr Salâh has ten rakahs (units); four first Sunnah, four Fardh and two last Sunnah. First four Sunnah, then four Fardh and then the two last Sunnah are performed. Asr Salâh is eight rakahs (units); four Sunnah and four Fardh. First the Sunnah and then the Fardh are performed. Maghrib Salâh is five rakahs (units); three Fardh and two Sunnah. First the Fardh and then the Sunnah are performed. Ishâ Salâh is thirteen rakahs (units); first four Sunnah, then four Fardh, then two final Sunnah, and finally three Wâjib Witr. First four Sunnah then four Fardh, then two Sunnah and finally three witr are performed. Totally forty rakahs (units) are performed in a day. Q - What should be done if one forgets to recite a Sûrah in Salâh? A - A Sajdah Al-Sahw (forgetfulness prostration) should be done. Q - When is a Sajdah Al-Sahw (prostration of forgetfulness) performed? A - It is to be performed when one forgets or delays to do a Wâjib (required) act or delays a Fardh (obligatory) act in Salâh. Q - What would happen if Sajdah Al-Sahw were not performed? A - Salâh would be incomplete.