266 Q - Where was Imâm Abû Mansûr Muhammad Maturidî رحمــة الل عليــه from? A - He was from the village of Maturid of Samarkand. Q - When did Imâm Maturidî رحمة الل عليه pass away? A - He passed away in 333 (A.H) (Muslim calendar). Q - Where was Imâm Abû’l Hasan Al-Ash’arî رحمــة الل عليــه from and when did he pass away? A - He was from Basra and passed away in 324 (A.H). Q - How many acceptable reasons are there for missing Salâh (Qadhâ Salâh)? A - Three. Q - What are they? A - 1. Sleep, 2. Not to find an opportunity while fighting against the enemy in battle, 3. Forgetting. Q – What are the thirty-two Fardh (obligatory) acts? A - 6 pillars of Îmân (Faith), 5 pillars of Islâm,), 4 of Wudhû (ablution), 3 of GhusI, 2 of Tayammum and 12 obligatory acts of Salâh. In total, they are 32. Q - What are the articles of Îmân (faith)? A - To believe in the existence and oneness of Allâh, in His Angels, Books, Prophets, in the Day of Judgment, and the Destiny, (i.e. that all good and bad comes from Allâh). Q – What are the pillars of Islâm? A – They are five; 1. Kalimah Al-Shahâdah, 2. Performing Salâh, 3. Giving Zakâh, 4. Sawm (fasting), 5. Going for Hajj.