265 Q - How many imâms (leaders) are there for the Madhhab of I’tiqâd (belief) in Ahl Al-Sunnah Wal Jamâ’ah? A - There are two. Q - Who are they? A – Hazrat Imâm Abû Mansûr Muhammad Mâturîdî رحمــة الل عليــه and Imâm Abû Hasan Al-Ash’arî رحمــة الل عليــه Q - How many Madhhab of ‘Amal (deed) are there in Ahl Al-Sunnah Wal Jamâ’ah? A - There are four of them. Q - What are they? A - They are the Hanafî, Shafi’î, Mâlikî and Hanbalî. Q - What is your Madhhab of I’tiqâd (belief)? A - It is Ahl Al-Sunnah Wal Jamâ’ah. Q - What is your Madhhab of ‘Amal (deed) and who is its imâm? A - It is Hanafî Madhhab. Its imâm is Hazrat Imâm Âzam رحمـة الل عليـه . Who is the imâm of our Madhhab of I’tiqâd (belief)? A – It is Imâm Abû Mansûr Muhammad Maturidî رحمــة الل عليــه . Q - Who is the imâm of Madhhab of I’tiqâd (belief) for those who follow the Shafi’, Mâlîki, Hanbalî Madhhabs? A - Their imâm is Hazrat Abû’l Hasan Al-Ash’arî رحمــة الل عليــه .