262 7. Zaynab bint Jahsh 8. Juwayriyah 9. Umm Habîbah 10 Safiyyah 11. Maimûnah 12. Mâriyah رضــي الل عنهــا . Hazrat Khadîjah رضي الل عنها was the first wife of our Prophet ﷺ . She was 15 years older than our Prophet ﷺ was and they led a happy life together for 25 years. Q - Would you list some of the reasons why our Prophet ﷺ got married after the age of 53? A - Our Prophet ﷺ got married in order to connect various tribes with Islâm, communicate Islâmic principles about women through his blessed wives, to save some of them from poverty, and to protect the chastity and purity of some others. The main aim was to spread Islâm through women. Q - Which one of his wives passed away last? A – Hazrat Umm Salamah رضي الل عنها . Q - Who is the most distinguished and excellent person that came or will come to the world? A - Our Prophet Muhammad Mustafâ ﷺ . Q – Who were the most virtuous grandchildren of Rasûlullâh ﷺ ? A – Hazrat Hasan رضي الل عنه and Husayn رضي الل عنه . Q - Whose children were they? A - They were Hazrat Ali’s رضــي الل عنــه and Fatima’s رضــي الل عنهـا children.