259 Q - Whose slave are you? A - I am the slave of Allâh. Q - What would you say if someone asked how many gods there were? A - I would say ‘there is only one God.’ Q - What is your evidence that there is only one God? A - It is the first Âyah (verse) of Sûrah Al-lkhlas. Q - What is the meaning of that Âyah (verse)? A - “Say my beloved: He is Allâh, the One and Only!” Q - What is your reasonable evidence that Allâh exists? A - The existence of this universe and the continuation of its system and order. Q - Would it be right to think about the dhât (essence) of Allâh? A - No, it wouldn’t. Because, reason is not able to understand it. One can only think about the attributes of Allâh. Q - What is Îmân Al-Ya’s (belief of desperation)? A - To accept Faith as Firawn (Pharaoh) did just at the moment of death. Q - Is that kind of Îmân acceptable? A - No. Q - What is Tawba Al-Ya’s (repentance of desperation)? A - It is the Tawbah (repentance) of a dying Muslim.