256 18. To enjoin the good and forbid the evil, 19. Not to backbite and listen to bad talk, 20. To show obedience to parents and to be good to them, 21. To visit the relatives, 22. Not to betray a trust, 23. Not to make jokes which are not approved by Islâm, 24. To obey Allâh and His prophet ﷺ , 25. To refrain from committing sins and to take refuge in Allâh, 26. To love for the sake of Allâh and hate for the sake of Allâh, 27. To take lessons from everything that happens, 28. To make Tafakkur (think deeply about the power of Allâh and the reason for man’s creation), 29. To work hard to acquire knowledge, 30. To avoid unfounded suspicions, 31. Not to ridicule others, 32. Not to look at what is Haram (prohibited), 33. To be honest all the time, 34. To abandon transgressions and morally bad behaviours, 35. Not to practice sorcery (black magic), 36. To weigh and measure accurately, 37. To fear the punishment of Allâh,