241 Dua to Read Between the Fardh and Sunnah Rakahs of Salâh Al-Fajrِ يَا حَىّ يَا قَيّومُ يَا ذَا الْجَلَلِ وَالِْ كْرَام ِ اَسْأَلُكَ اَنْ تُحْيِىَ قَلْب۪ىبِنُورِ مَعْرِفَتِكَ اَبَدًا يَا اَللُّ يَا اَللُّ يَا اَللُّ يَا بَد۪يعَ السّمٰوَاتِ وَالَْرْض “Yâ Hayyu yâ Qayyûmu, Yâ dha'l-Jalâli wa'l-ikrâmi, As’aluka an-tuhyiya qalbî bi-nûri ma‘rifatika abadan, Yâ Allâhu, yâ Allâhu, yâ Allâhu, Yâ badî‘a's-samâwâti wa'l- ‘ar dh .” 50 If one reads this dua repeatedly for at least three times between the Fardh (obligatory) and Sunnah rakahs of the Fajr Salâh, he shall be favoured by dying with faith inshaAllâh. 50  Meaning: O Ever-Living and sustainer of life; O the Possessor of all Majesty and Kindness. I appeal to you to revive my heart forever with the light of Your Knowledge, O Allâh, O Allâh, O Allâh, O the one who created the Heaven and Earth in their excellence.