233 "Jihâd is Fardh (obligatory) for all Muslim men and women.” DUTIES OF MUSLIMS IN SOCIETY 1. Observing the rights of neighbours: Our neighbours are the closest to us after our family and relatives. We must safeguard all our neighbours and must not disturb them by our behaviour or words. Our Prophet ﷺ said: "Jibrâ’îl passed to me so much advice about the rights of neighbours that I thought one neighbour would inherit from another”. 2. Responsibilities toward guests: Our Prophet ﷺ said: “One who believes in Allâh and the Day of Judgment should honour his guests”. He ﷺ says that a guest never causes poverty to the house he visits but brings abundance. A guest visits a house with ten set- aside portions. He eats one of them and leaves nine.” To honour the guests according to the principles of Islâm is one of the most important duties of Muslims who have suitable homes and other means. 3. Other social responsibilities: a) To recognize the rights of others, not to harm anyone and to respect their honour and property, b) To do good deeds, not to envy anyone, c) Not to ridicule or disrespect others, d) Not to reveal the faults of others.