230 In other words, the animal spirit finds strength in external deeds, which gives pleasure and thus enables it to overcome the human spirit. The pleasures of the human spirit are dhikr (rememberance), fikr (contemplation), Ibâdah (worship), obeying Allâh ’s laws, and keeping away from prohibited deeds. Thus, the human spirit overcomes the animal spirit by performing those deeds. These spirits control the body as explained. As the qualities of these spirits are the opposite of each other, they always fight and struggle. The essence of the animal spirit is “Al-Ammârah bissûi” which excessively and violently orders wicked behaviour. It is called the nafs (passions). This quality is the reflection of Allâh ’s attribute of Majesty and Wrath (Jalâl) which always takes pleasure in doing deeds contrary to Allâh’s will. The essence of the human spirit is purity. It is called the human attribute. (A human becomes perfect when they possess this quality). This attribute is the reflection of Allâh’s attribute of Jamâl (Beauty), always deserving Allâh’s pleasure, and never wishing to be even a step away from the divine Pleasure. Therefore, these two opposite spirits are always at war with each other for control of the body. For example, if the human spirit is weaker than the animal spirit and the animal spirit is left on its own; it stays in the nature of commanding wickedness. The animal spirit overcomes the human spirit and in the course of time, that person becomes actually like an animal. Perhaps one may become even baser and be in an absolute state of