218 ZAKÂH The fourth pillar of Islâm is Zakâh. Zakâh is a Mâlî Ibâdah (a worship fulfilled with wealth) performed annually. Zakâh is to give one-fortieth (2.5%) of one’s wealth annually to one of the eight classes of people specified in Qur’ân Al-Karîm. The conditions that render Zakâh Fardh (obligatory): An adult, sane, free and debtless Muslim who is in possession of the Nisâb amount of wealth, in excess of their basic needs for a complete lunar year is obliged to pay the Zakâh. This wealth should further be of productive nature. Although gold and silver are not productive, their Zakâh should be given when they reach the amount of Nisâb. Nisâb: It is a religious standard to determine the liability of paying Zakâh. Nisâb is to possess 20 mithqâl (80,18