217 intend for the I’tikâf. This Ibâdah is supposed to be done in a masjid or a place subject to the rules of a masjid. While observing a Wâjib I’tikâf one need to be fasting. For women, a specified prayer room at their homes is under the ruling of masjid. I’tikaf is invalidated if the Mu’takif (performer of I’tikâf) leaves the masjid without any necessity or is intimate with his wife. I’tikaf is not invalidated if the Mu’takif (performer of I’tikâf) leaves the masjid for religious or physiological needs or for a necessity such as going out to the nearest Masjid to pray Jumu’ah Salâh. SADAQAH AL-FITR (FITRAH) It is a Sadaqah necessary (Wâjib) to be discharged in the month of Ramadhân. It is Wâjib (required) on any Muslims, who possess the Nisâb amount of wealth. The Necessary Conditions for Paying Sadaqah Al-Fitr: To be a Muslim, to be free and to possess the Nisâb amount of wealth in excess of one’s basic needs. Unlike Zakâh, this wealth need not to be of a productive nature and possessed for a complete lunar year. Sadaqah Al-Fitr can be given to the recepients of Zakâh. Sadaqah Al-Fitr becomes Wâjib to give from dawn of the Eid Al-Fitr until the termination of the Eid Salâh (Ramadhân Festival Prayer). It is also permissible to give it before its prescribed time.