216 this time, some Salawât Al-Sharîfah, Salat Al-Ummiyah, 36 some Âyât (verses) and Duas (supplication) may be recited. When standing up one may read “Allahumma salli ‘alâ sayyidinâ Muhammadin wa ‘alâ âli sayyidinâ Muhammad.” The imâm should consider his congregation. If there are any musallîs from the Shafi’î Madhhab praying behind, he should give Salâm after every two rakahs. I’TIKAF I’tikaf is staying for some time in a masjid (mosque) or a hukmi masjid 37 in which Salâh in Jamâ’ah is performed having intended for I’tikâf. I’tikâf has three types: Wâjib, Sunnah Al-Muakkadah and Mustahab. A vowed I’tikâf is Wâjib. An I’tikâf observed in the last ten days of Ramadhân is Sunnah Al-Muakkadadah. When some individuals in the community observe this act of worship, the Sunnah is regarded to have been fulfilled by the entire community. I’tikâf observed for some time in amasjid, at other times, with the intention of Ibâdah (worship) is Mustahab. The conditions of I’tikâf The following are the conditions that a person to observe I’tikâf (Mu’takif) should meet: To be a Muslim of a sound mind, not to be in a state of Janâbah (major impurity), Haydh (menstruation) or Nifâs (postnatal bleeding) and to 36 Allahumma Salli Alâ Sayyidinâ Muhammadin Al-Nabbiyi Al-Ummiyyi Wa Alâ Âlihî Wa Sahbihî Wa Sallim 37 It is a place subject to the rules of a masjid.