214 ACTS THAT BREAK THE FAST AND REQUIRE FASTING AGAIN AS QADHÂ AND KAFFÂRAH (EXPIATION) 1. To eat and drink knowingly, 2. To have intimacy knowingly, 3. To smoke knowingly, 4. To break the fast after backbiting thinking that the fast has already been broken. 5. To swallow the saliva of one’s spouse or a beloved one. One should atone for a fast broken for one of the above reasons by fasting without skipping a day for sixty days plus one additional day for each broken fast. MAKRÛH (DISLIKED) ACTS FOR the ONE FASTING 1. To taste anything without necessity, 2. To chew anything without necessity, 3. To chew a gum already chewed and no longer has its taste, 4. To kiss, 5. To embrace the spouse, 6. To save the saliva in the mouth and swallow it, 7. To have a blood sample taken.