213 3. Not to intend for fasting in Ramadhân and to continue eatingnormally, 4. If someone eats through forgetfulness and continues eating or drinking, even though their fast is not actually broken, 5. To swallow rain water or snowflakes unintentionally, 6. To have an injection, 7. To take medicine through one’s nostrils, 8. To put oil into one’s ears, 9. To have the Sahûr meal late, after dawn, thinking there is still time to have it, 10. To break fast before sunset thinking the time has come to break it, 11. To swallow vomit, 12. To swallow the saliva of someone other than one’s spouse or a beloved one, 13. To swallow one’s own saliva after it has come out of the mouth, 14. To insert a finger wet with water or oil into the private parts, 15. To swallow blood from bleeding gums in an amount equal to or exceeding the saliva, 16. To swallow the smoke of a burning incense,