197 - What is your kitâb (book)? - My kitâb is the Glorious Qur’ân. - What is your qiblah? - My qiblah is the Holy Ka’bah. VISITING the GRAVES It is Mandûb (recommended) for both men and women to visit the graves. During a visit to a grave, one recites Sûrah Al-Fâtihah once and Sûrah Al-lkhlas eleven times as a gift to the deceased. It is recommended to read Sûrah Yâsîn Al-Sharîf and Sûrah Al-Takathur ("Alhaku- muttakâthur”). It is not Makrûh (disliked) to sit on a grave to recite the Noble Qur’ân. However, it is Makrûh to sit on it for any reason other than reciting the Noble Qur’ân, such as to sleep on it or to dirty it. If there be a dire necessity to walk upon the graves, one may do so after one has recited Sûrah Al-Fâtihah once and Sûrah Al-lkhlas eleven times as a gift to the souls of the Muslims resting in the cemetery. It is Makrûh (disliked) to uproot grass or cut down trees in a cemetery, for they are means of amends (Kaffarah) for the sins of the deceased Muslims as long as they are green. There is no harm in uprooting dry grass or cutting the dry branches of trees yet it is best to avoid this as well. Especially, one should strictly avoid from taking them home to use as fuel.