195 lowered into the grave from the direction of the Qiblah. The person placing the body in the grave places it on its right shoulder making it face the Qiblah. Meanwhile he recites the following: “Bismillâhi wa alâ millati Rasûlillâhi”. Then the knots of the shroud on the head and the feet are untied. Mud bricks or wooden planks are placed over the lahd so that no soil will spill over the body. Thereafter, the grave is filled with soil. The outer side of the grave is shaped like a camelback at the height of a span, provided that it is from the soil of the grave. A grave cannot be long or square-shaped. It is not objectionable to inscribe a piece of stone to put on the grave in case the trace of the gravesite should disappear. It is Makrûh to bury a corpse inside a house, for this practice is particular to the prophets عليهــم الســام only. It is not permissible to bury a corpse in a place taken by force from the landowner. The duration of condolences to the family and relatives of a dead person is three days. Thereafter, it is Makrûh (disliked). Khatim of Kalimah Al-Tawhîd and Khatim of Qur’ân Al- Karîm should be made and presented to the soul of the dead person. These kinds of khatims have a great reward and benefit for the deceased. Similarly, the family members should give some Sadaqah (charity) and treat the poor on behalf of the deceased.