193 îmâni. Wa khussa hâdha'l-mayyita 33 bir'rawhi war'râhati war'rahmati, wa'l-maghfirati wa'r-ri dh wâni. Allâhumma in-kâna muhsinan 34 fa-zid fî-ihsanihî. Wa in-kâna musî’an fa-tajâwaz anhu. Wa laqqihi'l-amna wa'l-bushrâ wa'l- karâmata,Wa'z-zulfâbi-rahmatika yâArhama'r-Râhimîn”. 35 If the deceased is a boy, the above dua is recited, after “...ala’l-îmâni...” as follows: “Allâhumma-j’alhu lanâ faratan waj’alhu lanâ ajran wa dhuhrâ. Allâhumma-j’alhu lanâ shâfi’an wa mushaffa’an”. If the deceased is a girl, it is as follows: “Allâhumm’aj- alhâ lanâ faratan wa’j-alhâ lanâ ajran wa dhuhrâ. Allâhumma-j ‘alhâ lanâ shâfi’atan wa mushaffa’atan”. IMPORTANT REMINDERS 1. In the fourth Takbîr of the Janâzah Salâh, it is a wrong practise to give the Salâm either by not releasing both hands to the sides, or releasing the right hand while giving 33  If the deceased is a female, this is recited as “hâdhihil mayyita” 34  If the deceased is a female, this is recited as "wa in kânat muhsinatan fa-zid fî-ihsanihâ, wa in kânat musî'atan fa-tajâwaz an-hâ wa laq'qihal amna.." 35  Translation: "O Allâh ! Grant Your Forgiveness on our living ones, our dead ones, those of us that are present and those that are absent, our elders and our minors, our male and the female. O, Rabb (Lord)! Make the ones whom you keep alive from amongst us live on Islâm. And let the one whom you cause to die from amongst us die with Îmân (belief). Especially make this mayyit (deceased) attain contentment, comfort, forgiveness and Your Divine Pleasure. O Rabb (Lord)! If this deceased is of the pious, increase his/her goodness and if s/he is said to be of the useless, forgive him/her, and grant him/her security, good tidings, and generosity through Your Divine Mercy, Oh the Most Merciful and Compassionate!”