191 HOW TO PRAY THE SALÂH AL-JANÂZAH Janâzah Salâh (funeral prayer) is performed with four Takbîr in Qiyâm (standing position). There is no Sajdah or Rukû’ in it. The imâm stands in line with the chest of the body and the Jamâ’ah (congregation) line up behind him. Then the congregation is informed whether the deceased is a male or female, in order that the Niyyah (intention) is made accordingly: "I intend to perform the Janazah Salâh to make Dua (Supplication) for the deceased, male or female, and to follow the present imâm”. Thereafter one says Takbîr "Allâhu Akbar” after the imâm. At the saying of the first Takbîr, the hands are lifted up to the ears and then clasped below the navel. Then one recites the dua of "Subhanaka” (Thana) in which is included the expression of "wa jalla thanâ’uka” before the last phrase of “wa-la ilâha-ghairuk”. After this, one says the second Takbîr after the imâm without raising the hands. These Takbîr are said aloud by the imâm and silently by the congregation. After the second Takbîr, the imâm and the congregation recite the Salawât of "Allâhumma salli” and "Allâhumma bârik”. After this, a third Takbîr is said and the "Janazâh Dua” (Funeral Supplication) is recited by everyone. Those who do not know this dua may recite the "Supplication of Qunût” or Sûrah Al-Fâtihah with an aim to supplicate for the deceased.