187 Thus, the total number of the Tasbîh in the first rakah is 75. The number and order of the Tasbîh is the same in the second rakah. After the completion of the second rakah, the musallî sits for Tashahhud and reads “Attahiyyâtu” Allahumma Salli” and “Allahumma Bârik”. Then they rise for the third rakah and read the dua of Subhânaka (Thanâ) before Sûrah Al-Fâtihah. The performance of the third and fourth rakahs is the same as the first two rakahs. Performance of Tasbîh Salâh has been strongly encouraged. It is recommended to form a habit of performing it. Tasbîh Salâh may also be performed in Jamâ’ah (congregation) so that those who do not know how to do it should have its benefit. If Salâh Al-Tasbîh is performed in congregation, imâm first intends to vow its performance thus making it Wâjib upon him and recites all the Tasbîh aloud during Salâh. In the meantime, the congregation listens silently.