182 QADHÂ SALÂH (PERFORMANCE of MISSED PRAYERS) Every male and female Muslim of sound mind who have reached the age of Bulûgh (maturity) is required to pray their five daily Salâh within their prescribed times along with the other religious obligations. One must exert their efforts for not missing even a single Salâh. Allâh ( تعالــى ) orders every Muslim to perform Salâh in fifty-five different places in the Noble Qur’ân. In addition, Salâh is ordered along with Zakâh in thirty- three places. In short, Salâh is ordered in more than a hundred places in the Qur’ân, which is a clear evidence of the great excellence and reward of Salâh (prayer) and of how heavy the punishment will be for those who neglect it. InHadithSharîf (aholy tradition)NabîMuhammad ﷺ said: “The first thing that a slave shall be questioned about on the Day of Judgement will be Salâh (prayer).” This Hadith Sharîf (a holy tradition), indicates that the additional questioning of those who have answered satisfactorily for their Salâh (prayers) will be made easy, while those who have failed to do so will be in a very serious position. Even if one were to give millions in charity in place of a daily Salâh or someone were to offer Salâh of a hundred rakahs for the responsibility of another’s two rakah Salâh, the responsibility of Salâh would never be paid off. A Salâh (prayer) is considered to have been performed only when it is performed by the person who is responsible