148 direct her toes in the direction of the Qiblah, but places the top parts of her feet on the ground. (ILLUSTRATION: 8). Recite in Sajdah three times, the expression of “Subhâna Rabb’iyal-a’lâ”. Then utter the Takbîr and rise from the first prostration to the sitting position, where you sit long enough to say once the expression of Subhanallâh. Then begin the second prostration with the expression of Allâhu Akbar and again read three times “Subhâna Rabb’iyal-a’lâ” in the Sajdah position. After that, rise from Sajdah saying Allâhu Akbar and stand up for the second rakah. The hands are in the same position as in the first rakah. Then read the Basmalah and Sûrah Al-Fâtihah and an additional Sûrah (chapter) or a long Âyah (verse) as long as a short Sûrah. Thereafter, complete the Rukû’ and Sajdah exactly as in the first rakah. At the completion of the second Sajdah of the second rakah, a male places his left foot flat and sits on it, while raising the right foot with its toes facing the Qiblah (ILLUSTRATION: 9). However, a female sits on her hipbones, placing the feet on the right side (ILLUSTRATION: 10). In this position, read the dua of Tashahhud (Attahiyyâtu), the Salawât of “Allâhumma Salli”, “Allâhuma Bârik” and duas like “Rabbanâ Âtinâ”. Thereafter, turn your head first to the right side saying the Salâm: “Assâlamu alaikum wa Rahmatullâh” (ILLUSTRATION: 11-12). Then turn to the left with the recitation of the same Salâm (salutation). Thus, Salâh is completed (ILLUSTRATION: 13-14). The Fardh (obligatory) rakahs of Salâh Al-Fajr are performed in the same manner as the Sunnah rakahs. The