143 38. Leaning against a wall while in Qiyâm (standing position), without an excuse, 39. Bending to the left or right while in the standing position, 40. Standing on one foot, without an excuse, 41. Counting the Âyât (verses) or the Tasbîhât with the fingers while praying, 42. Praying alone in a place where there is a congregational Salâh (prayer) going on, 43. Imâm standing at any place other than the mihrâb, 44. Imâm standing on a place about 50 cm lower than that of the congregation, so that the congregation is on a higher level than the imâm, 45. Imâm standing on a place about 50 cm higher than that of the congregation (Al-Jamâ’ah), (However, it is not Makrûh if there is even one person next to the imâm, standing in the same mihrâb) 46. Reading the Basmalah and Âmîn aloud, 47. Completing the Qirâ’ah (recitation) while bowing down, 48. Failing to read the Takbîrât at the correct times; also failing to read the other Takbîrât and recitations of the Noble Qur’ân at their proper times, 49. Reading the Tasbîhât of the positions of Rukû’ and Sajdah after having the head lifted, 50. Praying with bare shoulders or with the sleeves rolled up,