142 25. Bowing for Rukû’ before the Imâm does, 26. Rising from the position of Rukû’ before the imâm does, 27. Prostrating before the imâm does, 28. Rising from Sajdah (Prostration) before the imâm does, 29. When prostrating, to place the hands on the ground before the knees touch without a good reason, 30. Rising by pushing against a wall or the ground, without an excuse, 31. Wiping soil off the forehead, 32. Reading, in two successive rakahs, two Sûrahs or Âyât (verses) skipping only one Sûrah or Âyah between them, 33. Reading in the next rakah, a Sûrah or Âyah (verse) that comes earlier in order in the Qur’ân comparing to what is read in the previous rakah, 34. In the Fardh Salâh (prayers), reading the same Sûrah twice in the same rakah or reading the same Sûrah in the next rakah, 35. In the second rakah of a Fardh Salâh (obligatory prayer), reading three Âyât (verses) longer than what is read in the first rakah, 36. In a congregational Salâh, reading the Noble Qur’ân while the Imâm is reciting, 37. Prostrating on the folds of a turban around the forehead without an excuse (i.e. the forehead must be uncovered when touching the ground),