139 THE ÂDÂB (ETIQUETTES) of SALÂH 1. While the muadh’dhin is calling the Iqâmah, standing up without any delay, upon hearing "Hayya’al-Al-falâh”, 2. Touching the ear-lobes with the thumbs at the start of Takbîr Al-Iftitâh (The opening Takbîr), 3. During Qiyâm (the standing position), looking at the place where Sajdah is made, 4. During Rukû’ (the bowing position), looking on the toes, 5. Reading the Tasbîh of the Rukû’ (bowing) and Sajdah (Prostration) for five or seven times, 6. While going into Sajdah, touching the ground first with the nose and then with the forehead, 7. Looking at both sides of the nose in Sajdah (prostration), 8. Looking at the shoulders while offering the Salâm (salutation), 9. If unable to avoid yawning, covering the mouth with the palm or back of the right hand, or with the back of left hand, 10. Performing Salâh with good and clean clothing according to one’s financial situation, 11. As one offers the Salâm (salutation) to the right, intending to greet the congregation and the angels on the right, 12. When offering it to the left side, intending to greet the congregation and the angels on the left,