110 Adhân and Iqâmah are recited with Al-Jazm (vowellness of a final consonant). While muadh’dhin calls the Adhân, one should listen to it with the utmost respect and repeat the words of Takbîr and the Shahâdah (Ash’hadu an-lâ ilâha-ill’Allâh, Ash’hadu-an’na-Muhammad’an-Rasûlullâh”). Upon the completion of the Adhân, one should read the following dua: َاَللّهُمّ رَبّ هٰذِهِ الدّعْوَةِ التّۤامّةِ وَالصّلٰةِ الْقَائِمَةِ اٰتِ الْوَس۪يلَةَ وَالْفَض۪يلَة ۽ ُمُحَمّدًا الّذ۪ى وَعَدْتَه ۽ وَابْعَثْهُ مَقَامًا مَحْمُودًا * اِنّكَ لَ تُخْلِفُ الْم۪يعَادَ “Allâhumma Rabba hâdhihi’d-da’wa ti’t-tâmmah, was’salât’il- qâ ’imah. Âti Muhammad’an’il-wasîlata wa’l- fa dhî lata, wab’ath’hu Ma qâ man Mahmûdan-illadhi- wa’adtah. In’naka lâ tukh’liful’mî’âd”. 5 5 Interpretation:"O Allâh! The Master of this perfect call and of this Salâh to be established, grant to Muhammad ﷺ the favour of Wasîlah (a high place in Jannah) and fadhîlah (excellence). And elevate him to Maqâm Al-Mahmûd (the praised station) that You have promised him. Without any doubt You never break Your promise”.