99 However, it is a Sunnah act to wipe upwards over the leather socks from the ends of the toes to the end of the leather socks with wet fingers spread wide. THINGS THAT NULLIFY MASAH Anything that nullifies Wudhû also nullifies masah (wiping). However, if the duration period of masah has not expired, one can continue wiping over the leather socks while making Wudhû. 1. Removal of a leather sock from a foot, 2. Penetration of water inside the leather socks to the greater part of one of the feet. 3. Expiry of the duration of masah. DURATION OF MASAH A person wearing leather socks is allowed to wipe over them for 24 hours, in the case of a Muqîm (resident) and 72 hours, in the case of a Musâfir (traveller). The duration of masah only begins after their Wudhû break, which they performed before wearing the leather socks. MASAH OVER A BANDAGE If any limb of a Muslim has been bandaged because of a dislocation, break or bruise, and it might be harmful to wash the injured limb(s) in Wudhû, then merely wiping is done over the greater portion of the bandage.